Learn about the importance of sustainability at Pula Golf Resort.
Learn about the importance of sustainability at Pula Golf Resort.
At Pula Golf Resort, we are committed to sustainability and environmental care. For years, we have been working on the implementation of Sustainable Development and Social Innovation projects that generate a positive and measurable impact. We belong to the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact since 2021, and our practices are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Discover how we integrate sustainability into every aspect of our resort.

First Competitive Regenerative Hotel with a golf course in Spain.
Pula Golf Resort is a pioneer in Spain as the first competitive regenerative hotel with a golf course. This means that we not only minimize our environmental impact, but also generate more resources than we consume. Located in the charming town of Son Servera, in Mallorca, we have implemented various actions to optimize resources and respect our environment.

We comply with the United Nations Global Compact and the SDGs.

What does this pact entail?

The United Nations Global Compact is an initiative that seeks that companies and organizations align their strategies with ten universal principles in human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption. These principles are integrated with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, promoting a balanced and sustainable development.

Pula Golf Resort Commitments
At Pula Golf Resort, we support and respect the protection of human rights
, encourage freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and work to eliminate forced labour and discrimination. In addition, we promote environmental responsibility and the diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Each year, we publish our progress in sustainability through a Progress Report, demonstrating our ongoing commitment.

Our sustainable practices

Circular Economy and Renewable Energy

We have embraced the Circular Economy, which is reflected in several of our daily practices. For example, we eliminate plastic packaging in the restaurant and on the golf course, we use solar and green energy, and we irrigate our golf course with recycled water. In addition, we have implemented charging points for electric vehicles and use geothermal and aerothermal energy in our rooms.

Organic Agriculture and Waste Reduction
We have a 6,000 m² organic garden that provides fresh produce to our restaurant, S'Era de Pula
. The surplus from the garden is donated to local entities, thus promoting community and sustainability. We also use biodegradable napkins and ecopacks for cleaning products, and use organic waste from the restaurant to feed our ducks and chickens.

Equality and Community
We promote labour equality and non-discrimination, investing in training and career development for young people. In addition, we involve our guests in our sustainable projects, creating an enriching and responsible experience. We encourage physical activity and wellness through various sports activities.

Local and Proximity Products
At Pula Golf Resort, we prioritize local and proximity gastronomy. We use Km 0 products of the highest quality, many of which come from our own garden. In this way, we not only support the local economy, but also reduce our carbon footprint.

Pula Golf Resort: sustainability and quality
If you are looking for a place that combines luxury, comfort and environmental commitment, Pula Golf Resort is your ideal destination
. Come and enjoy a holiday where every detail is designed to take care of the planet. We invite you to discover our sustainable practices and be part of this initiative. Book your stay today and live a unique experience at Pula Golf Resort!
